Do you wish to be on a professional networking platform with 500 million users worldwide? Then it’s time to create your portfolio on LinkedIn.With everything getting online, job hunting, networking, and hiring are going online too. Get in touch with Kalam Kagaz for LinkedIn profile writing services and link in today.
IntroductionJoin the professional networking revolution with LinkedIn and Kalam Kagaz’s profile writing services to create a standout portfolio online.
Why LinkedIn?As a platform started by Microsoft in 2003, LinkedIn facilitates job postings, professional networking, and industry trend tracking, becoming a crucial tool for professionals worldwide.
Professional NetworkingLinkedIn serves as a unique social media platform focused on professional growth, allowing users to connect with industry leaders, follow relevant organizations, and enhance their professional network.
Job HuntingBeyond traditional job applications, LinkedIn enables users to draw recruiters through impressive profiles and directly apply to job postings, showcasing the platform’s dynamic nature in the digital era’s job market.

Why LinkedIn?

Started by Microsoft in 2003, LinkedIn has become one of the largest online professional networking sites. Recruiters use LinkedIn to post job openings and look for suitable candidates. You can use it to increase your professional network, find new jobs, upgrade your current one, and, most importantly, get a taste of trends in your industry. Want a space to put your professional portfolio, resume and career goals, and growth trajectory, connect with industry experts and receive recommendations from your superiors? LinkedIn is the most suitable choice to fulfill your professional needs. Professional networking LinkedIn is a social media platform like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but it’s for professional networking rather than social networking. Through professional networking, LinkedIn gives you a channel to follow, connect and get in touch with the influencers, experts, seniors, mentors, and game changers in your industry. While you can follow the institutions/enterprises you like, you can connect with your industry professionals. Job hunting In this digital era, you can do much more than send your resume to the employer and wait for an interview call; instead, you can draw recruiters to you by creating an impressive LinkedIn profile. Through LinkedIn search, you can search for all the relevant job openings and offers. Want to apply for a prospective job posted on LinkedIn? While you can apply for some jobs directly through the “East apply’ option, others may land you on a separate page for the application. Either way, put in a robust application with a compelling LinkedIn profile. Create a professional portfolio Have you already created a professional footprint in your career? Then it’s time to showcase your journey, highlight your achievements and aim for the next big thing. It’s time to create a LinkedIn profile that encapsulates your professional trajectory and future goals and let your industry experts reach out to you. Receive industry feed Besides job hunting, posting, and profile creation, LinkedIn is also a great platform to receive and follow credible updates, trends, and happenings in your industry. LinkedIn feed updates based on the entities you follow, people you connect with, and topics you are interested in. A LinkedIn profile ensures you stay focused on knowing your industry trends. LinkedIn Groups and interaction With LinkedIn groups, you can join the conversation of your professional group or interest. Got anything to share with your professional community? With LinkedIn, you can not only receive industry feeds but can also post content that you curate about. Though LinkedIn has a screening process to approve what you wish to share, as long as it is relevant and non-offensive to Anyone, you can continue to post, share and engage users with industry feed on LinkedIn. Recommendation LinkedIn Profile- design, upgrade and optimize As you now know the importance of LinkedIn, it’s time to know how LinkedIn provides all these services. Here is a list of fields on your LinkedIn profile that can make or break your professional online portfolio.

Here’s the key to create the best LinkedIn profile

Best LinkedIn Profile Setup As you can easily create a LinkedIn account with an email id, designing your profile is what comes next. If you do not wish to create a profile just for your namesake, then it’s time to use LinkedIn features and learn how to utilize them to create a unique profile. Headline Be careful with the headline you write. It’s the search tag associated with your account and the first thing users and recruiters see on your profile. The most catchy, straightforward, and different headline can attract users to your account. The headline has a limit of 120 characters, and it’s your space to fill it attractively. With your name, you can add your designation/industry/specialization or anything that remarks your professional journey. For example, instead of “Alvin Asher, MBA,” you can write something like” Alvin Asher, Marketing Executive, Luxury and Exclusive Brands, ABC Marketing,” which provides a better profile synopsis. Location With location updates and zip codes, you can show where you are based at. LinkedIn customizes feeds, job offers, and other notifications based on your location. Make sure you have the proper location updates that can narrow down the job searches based on it. Profile picture Never take the chance of skipping a profile picture for your Linkedin account. Do you ever buy an online product with no reviews, images, or description? Not a reliable product, right? Similarly, a LinkedIn profile needs an image to look credible. Before reaching out to you, your profile is the only thing that can convince recruiters that you deserve the opportunity. So then, why miss it for an image? Add a professional picture that reflects yourself, your career growth, and your goals. About Description Now comes the central part, the description. With a character limit of 2000, it’s the space that you can sell yourself. Though there is no dictated way to fill up your description, here are some pointers on writing a great description. Remember that a description is not a space to write your online CV. Instead, it’s a dedicated space where you can write about your career path and future goals and mention your reason for being on LinkedIn (whether you are looking for jobs, switching jobs, networking, and so on). Anyone who reads your description should be able to figure out your reason, growth, and goals. While you get a separate section to brag about your achievements and skills, try to write a personal story that drives and powers your professional career. Skills and endorsements Ever seen a job resume without a skill set list? Very little. And LinkedIn has a section dedicated to listing your skill set and endorsements. You can manually fill out this section with relevant skills to your profile or select from a list of LinkedIn recommended skill sets. The latter way is a better open ski. Recommended by LinkedIn are the keywords and hot skills searched by recruiters and are trending in your industry. You even have the option to mention who can endorse your skill set. Recommendations Is a job profile or resume ever complete without a recommendation? Not entirely, right? So LinkedIn provides you with the option to ask for recommendations from your connections on LinkedIn.When recruiters come across two similar profiles, they are likely to contact those with better recommendations to enhance your profile’s credibility and draw recruiters to your profile. Though you might feel frightened about asking for a recommendation from your superior, you can go forward as long as your request is genuine and respectful. Education It’s the space to brag about your alma mater, education, and achievements. Remember to select your college/university from the list of LinkedIn recommendations. It will ensure that your profile stays put when recruiters search with filters on specific educational institutions. Work experience Here comes the most sought section in any resume, the work experience. You can add all your work and professional experience. You can mention the company/organization name, designation, year of employment, and a description. Make sure to make out the most of this space. Try to select your company/workplace from a list of LinkedIn recommendations instead of manually entering one. It can save your profile when recruiters run a filtered search with names of specific companies. Connect and follow Do you remember that LinkedIn is primarily a professional networking site? Yes, professional networking can be done in two ways, connect and follow. You can use your LinkedIn profile to connect with people, peers, and experts in your industry. If you sync your email account with LinkedIn, it automatically shows a list of your contacts on LinkedIn.Apart from it, you can directly connect with people through the ‘Connect’ option on their profile. You can even follow an industry or enterprise on LinkedIn. When you connect and follow, you can receive all the updates made by the person or enterprise. Resume LinkedIn provides a provision to add a resume to your profile. You are all set to submit your resume if your resume comes with a compatible cover letter. Ensure that the details mentioned in your resume and cover letter are identical to the details written in your profile. Any inconsistencies between both might yield a poor impression of your profile. Vanity URL Like your social media accounts, your LinkedIn profile can be accessed and shared through a link. Moreover, LinkedIn allows you to customize this link according to your choice. This vanity URL allows you to create a distinct link that identifies with your profile LinkedIn feed The LinkedIn feed appears at the end of your profile based on the interests you choose, the people you connect with, and the entities you follow.LinkedIn is a two-way path; while getting the latest news, trends, and industry-related posts, you can share similar stuff with the professional community. Though there is a censor on sensitive, abusive or fake content, as long as you share genuine and professional content, your LinkedIn feed can make your profile active and engaged with the professional community. LinkedIn groups Want to join a group chat about your industry/field? You can do it through LinkedIn groups. The last thing you can do on LinkedIn’s take advantage of opportunities. Instead of waiting for a group invite, voluntarily join groups related to your industry/field. You can observe the group conversation or actively engage in it. If you keep it professional and moral, you can be an active user of LinkedIn groups. Open for opportunity section. While completing your profile set-up, remember to unlock the open-for-opportunity section on LinkedIn.It includes your profile to list when recruiters look for potential candidates.LinkedIn also sends job opportunities related to your industry, education, and experience. Your Call to action Conclude your profile with a suitable call to action. In other words, tell why you are on LinkedIn, for instance, job search, networking, job transition, studying, etc. Recruiters visiting your profile should be able to figure out whether you are open to opportunities and the next course of action to get in touch with you! Utilizing all these segments is what sets a mediocre and outstanding profile apart. We know exactly what can make or break your profile on LinkedIn so that Kalam Kagaz can be your partner for the best LinkedIn profile writing services. How to design your LinkedIn profile?

How to design your LinkedIn profile?

While there is no fixed answer to this, you can design your profile in two ways. You can either design it based on your terms and understanding of LinkedIn.Another way to create a LinkedIn profile is by hiring a professional LinkedIn profile writer. While you can see dozens of tutorials on creating the best LinkedIn profile, a professional LinkedIn profile writer can deliver a customized yet professional LinkedIn profile.

How to upgrade your LinkedIn profile? The ‘ ‘yes’ and ‘no’s.

  • Never miss the chance to frame a compelling Headline. Since a headline draws people into your account, it must be worth the visit.
  • Upload a professional image to your profile. Say no to passport photos, selfies, old photos, etc.
  • Try to take a formal picture under ample light. Edit to the exact resolution and use it for your profile. Make sure that your picture is proof of your LinkedIn profile and description.
  • Make the description as compelling as possible. The about description is the Bullseye of your LinkedIn profile. So armored it with the right story, keywords that recruiters look for, and search engine shortlist.
  • Take notice of whom you connect with and follow on LinkedIn.People who accept your connection requests are known as first-degree contacts, and followers of your first-degree contacts are known as second-degree contacts. You can receive recommendations only from people with whom you are connected.
  • Be careful about whom you ask for recommendations on LinkedIn.It’s advisable to contact your former colleagues, former employers or superiors, or experts in your industry.
  • While asking for a recommendation, try to send a personalized message instead of a ready message. You can elaborate on how you know the receiver and the reason for asking for a recommendation.
  • Try to be as active as possible on your LinkedIn account. Join groups, connect to peers, follow experts, and post engaging content about your industry or field.
  • Be formal while communicating on LinkedIn posts, groups, and replies. Informal and unnecessary replies can only diminish your reputation.
  • Try to fill out the spaces and complete all the fields on our profile. A completed profile is marked as an ‘All Star profile’, and achieving it will only add to your reputation.
Now you know the structure and tips to build your Linkedin profile. But the work of a professional LinkedIn writer can better equip and upgrade your profile. With top LinkedIn profile writers, we aim to provide you with the best LinkedIn profile writing services.

How to optimize your profile? Both for recruiters and search engine

Linked In profile writing services LinkedIn profile-making services Even if you don’t have a LinkedIn profile or account, there is nothing to worry about. We offer the best LinkedIn profile writing plus a combo, including membership, impressive photos, background pictures, descriptions, headlines, and necessary keywords. All you have to provide us is a professional resume photo, fill in our creative questionnaire, and sit back. At the same time, we design a distinct and professional LinkedIn space for you. LinkedIn profile makeover services Feel your profile needs to be better? Need an update and a fresh approach to your profile?Want your profile to stand out among the crowd of millions of users on LinkedIn? Then it’s time to give your existing LinkedIn profile a makeover. While everyone can give a shot at LinkedIn profile creation, not everyone can create a unique profile. The nuances that can make your profile stand out can be better understood and applied by a professional LinkedIn writer. Increase your worth as a job seeker, enterprise, manager, or recruiter with a professional makeover to your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn profile optimization services Want to own a profile that is tops in LinkedIn searches and recruiters’ queries? Then take advantage of the opportunity to optimize your Linkedin profile. By optimization, we do not mean only keywords and attractive headlines but some nuances that can make your profile easy to find and approach(the main motive of a search engine). For instance, a vanity URL and a perfect profile picture can optimize your profile better. How about getting them on your profile? The answer is Kalam Kagaz.

Why choose us?

While there can be hundreds of articles on how to write the best LinkedIn profiles, they need help delivering the LinkedIn profile. Instead of worrying about the creation, makeover, and optimization of your profile, hand it over to the expertise of a professional LinkedIn profile writer. At kalam Kagaz, we aim to deliver professional content writing services at reasonable rates. Here’s how we strive to deliver it. For a quick synopsis of our services, you can check out the video on your YouTube handle:

Best Linkedin profile writing service

Do you need a professional writer who can capture your essence correctly and deliver it into a distinct LinkedIn profile? Kalam Kagaz is the right place to find your professional writer.

Once you place an order with us, you will be asked to provide a professional image and resume and fill out our questionnaire. A writer will be allowed to design your LinkedIn profile. Communicate your concerns, additions, omissions, and queries to the writer. Whether you are in the phase of profile creation, upgradation or optimization, we can do it for you.

Timely delivery

Never miss a profile update and delivery with Kalam Kagaz. Since LinkedIn is a reflection of your professional journey, you need to update your account with the latest developments and milestones in your career. Make it easier and regular with us. Once you receive the profile draft, you are entitled to edits and suggestions until the content is altered to match and exceed your expectations.

Professional services at an affordable cost

Get a creation makeover and optimization of your LinkedIn profile at affordable costs. Ever wondered what you would lose by not being on LinkedIn?Exposure, professional networks, job opportunities, career prospects, industry trends, and more! But having a mediocre profile will only ensure some LinkedIn benefits to you. Upgrade and optimize your LinkedIn profile at the most affordable costs at Kalam Kagaz.

Resumes and Cover Letters

Do you know what completes your LinkedIn Profile?

A copy of your professional resume with a cover letter uploaded in the resume section of your page completes your LinkedIn profile. We are a professional content services agency that delivers the best resumes, cover letters, Letters of recommendation, LinkedIn bios, and personal statements. Associate with us and fulfill all your professional content needs in one place.
Where can you find the best LinkedIn profile writing services and top LinkedIn profile writers? It’s us!

It’s time to take your Call to action and grab the chance to be unique and easily approachable on LinkedIn.

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