Do you ever feel that even after working as hard as you could to achieve prizes, degrees and extra credit points, you miss the appointment?

Even after spending hours at the computer screen, rephrasing every sentence, it is daunting to mail that resume to your employer!

Don’t worry we’ve got you covered.

At Kalam Kagaz we have professional English speaking writers and well-trained resume specialists. They will create the perfect resume for you and get you that dream job you’ve always been wanting. Our writers create a resume that is curated as per your needs. Structuring it based on your qualifications and achievements.

Whenever you submit a resume the employer spends not more than a minute flipping through it. The fate of landing you that job or taking you downhill depends wholly on how you’ve presented yourself in it.

A good resume is like an Armani suit, you wear it to your interview and boom! Here’s your appointment letter. It makes you stand out. Companies these days get thousands of resumes for a single opening, so they use Application Tracking Software (ATS). ATS is formulated to filter the crowd and choose what fits the puzzle best.

We won’t let that algorithm keep you unemployed!

Kalam Kagaz has an array of writers and HR experts who have been working with people and helping them get a step closer to employment. We deliver tailored resumes and cover letters that don’t just make you stand out but leave a mark.

Why is Resume writing important?

A resume is like an advertisement for your employer. They wouldn’t have the time and energy to read and analyse the massive resumes they get. This makes writing an effective CV all the more important. You cannot only list down your qualities and achievements, it needs to be extraordinary. The resume needs to reflect your professionalism and aesthetic appeal. Kalam Kagaz ensures that your curriculum vitae has all that. Our editors work with you, taking your inputs throughout and creating the most extravagant version of you. We share your vision of achieving great heights and act as a bridge between your hard work and success.

Why choose us?

Kalam Kagaz has a team of specialists who keep themselves updated with the latest market trends. Client satisfaction is our primary goal, and we work to achieve that. Give us an outline of your CV and we provide you with a visual masterpiece. We collate all your skills and experience together and create the best resume that could be. You might wonder why hire a resume writer when you can do it yourself?  A professional resume writer is important because they understand the relationship between the company and the applicant. And aim to work while satisfying both.

ATS Compliant

In today’s time, the recruiters don’t have the time to go through each application. They take help from the Application tracking software (ATS). ATS  is formulated to skim through keywords and shortlist applications thereafter.

The writers at Kalam Kagaz are well versed with this software and take extra care to incorporate suitable keywords in your resume.

We also focus on the short attention span of people which might hinder your selection. All these features make our resumes stand apart.


We understand how before applying for a job clients feel reluctant to spend money on an outsourced Cv writer. The scepticism of not getting an appointment makes them worry. Clients stress about the extra financial burden an outsourced Cv might bring. Kalam Kagaz understands your inhibitions and makes affordable yet top-notch resumes. Don’t worry, low pricing does not compromise the quality!


Kalam Kagaz has in house professional resume writers who have a knack for all kinds of resumes and cover letters. Our writers create immaculate CVs focusing on the tiniest details while keeping it short and crisp.

On-time delivery

A resume is your professional introduction, which reflects your capabilities and achievements. It represents who you are as a person and the slightest error can lead to rejection. We respect your deadlines and seriousness thus delivering the CV in the stipulated time.

Our customer support team is accessible to assist you at all times. We will react to your request for support as soon as possible.

Be it last-minute changes or deadline extensions we’ll support you throughout.


Kalam Kagaz not only writes your resume for you but also guides you throughout the way. We promise to take you on a ride through each section making you understand your CV bit by bit. We write visual, text and infographic resumes and style them as per your personality. Our writers listen to your demands and find the best way to make you reach your destination.

After being contacted by you, our expert writers collaborate with you. We garner sufficient information and start our process of resume writing. To provide the best service we conduct market surveys and research and evaluate what needs to be included.

Our clients are full of content when this journey ends.

What sets us apart?

There are a gazillion of resume writing companies so why should you choose us?

We don’t only write resumes we give you the chance to secure jobs and interviews. Kalamkagaz offers you their dedicated service and lands you the job which is emotionally and professionally fulfilling.

We make your resume simple but significant. The employer needs to know that you value their time and won’t waste it. Our experts put in the desired efforts to make your CV worthwhile. We always provide the best performance possible.

Your resume is your entry pass into the business world and it needs to leave a mark.

As Misty Copeland rightly said, “Start unknown, finish unforgettable”

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